Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kindergarten graduation

D graduated from Harmony Montessori School on June 14th. He had a great year there and we were excited for his graduation day. They had a very non-traditional graduation ceremony. No caps with tassels. The children sat in the "Friendship Circle" and walked the circle to their teacher when it was there turn to get their certificate. The teachers said a few things about each of the children. Teacher Kristin talked about how kind D is and how he was so good with the younger children in his class.

A last picture with teacher Kristen. On to the 1st grade!!!

School Play

Right before the end of the school the aftercare children at D's school put on a play..."Small Cloud". D played the part of "Whistling Wind". Teacher Kristin made this awesome costume for D. We were so excited for the play...we had been hearing about it for weeks! D did a great job!!