Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The first entry

So we have finally done it...created a blog. I have been following my sisters & their friends blogs for a few weeks now. I have loved seeing all of the pictures & being able to keep up w/ what it going on with everyone. It is nice to see lots pictures of my neices & nephews since they don't live close. We have had lots going on here so I will have some stuff to post and hopefully will be diligent about keeping up w/ it. Wish me luck!


mahanson said...

I can't wait to see what Jack adds. Maybe about how the truck is coming along. No, I know what he can start. Our Trip to Disneyland!!!

Jack and Melanie said...

Yah know, I am not holding my breath for that Disneyland Trip? You need to keep working on him for me. ;0)

The Kings said...

Hi! I am Lisa, Paige's old roomate from Ricks. I live in Tasmania, Australia. NIce blog!! It can be very addictive!! hope you don't mind me checking it out from time to time.

toovinnie said...

I want to see more of the cool cave!

Jack and Melanie said...

Hey, lisa. thanks for the comment. You are welcome anytime. And yes, it is very addictive...I already find myself taking more picture just so I can post them...I think that is good thing!

Vinnie--What you see is all there is of the cave. Sorry. =0(

The Kings said...

Melanie - you will know you are a true blogger when you start taking the camera EVERYWHERE and take pics of everything!! Then if you forget the camera you use your camera phone!! LOL Then you are a true blogger ;) Its scary as I almost post every day on mine and if I don't I feel like I am missing something!! ha ha