Saturday, March 21, 2009

I love the smell the fresh cut grass..

...and the look of a freshly mowed lawn. Today the weather was finally nice enough to mow. I didn't post a picture of our yard because it doesn't look too pretty. The grass was about a week past needing to be cut and it got rained on earlier in the day. Thus mowing left it not looking so good but at least it got mowed. It will look better next time.

Mowing got me excited and exhausted all at the same time. Excited about Spring and all the yard work that comes with this time of year. I LOVE working in my yard and get great satisfaction from making it look good but it is a LOT of work. That is where the exhausted part comes into play. It is absolutely exhausting keeping up with it all. But it is a good kind of exhaustion.

Monday, March 16, 2009

New paint in living room

Back at the beginning of the winter, when it first started into the rainy season, we had an issue with the roof which resulted in water leaking through the roof and into the living room. I ended up having to peel paint off of some the areas in order to get the water to drain. So I needed to repaint.
I had been contemplating repainting the beam in the living room anyway after seeing what my sister-in-law did in her living room. She used three different colors to highlight the architecture in the room. I loved the way it looked. When I originally painted that living room I didn't know what to do w/ the beam...I guess I thought I needed to make it blend in (it was painted the darker of the 2 colors on the walls) but after seeing my sister-in-laws living room I got a different idea about it. I think that the "Coffee Bean" color looks great!