Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Roof

So we recently had our roof redone. Exciting stuff!!! I had never seen it done so I was very fascinated by the "process". First they scraped off all of the old shingles into this big truck they brought. Lots of pounding & scraping noises came along w/ this. Some of the pounding even knocked loose one of my light covers...luckily it landed on carpet & not on the hard wood floors so it didn't break.

This is the truck when they first got started. I think it was pretty full by the end.

These are the singles! The picture below was the workers unloading the shingles from the truck onto the roof.

Once they got the old singles off they started putting on the new ones.

They worked long & hard the first day & got the main part of the roof completely done, including rebuilding the frame for the sky light that is in living room so that it won't leak this winter...that was one of the main reasons we had to have this done. They came back bright & early the next day & did the roof on the sunporch & a little section of the back garage. All done in 2 days! It was great. Thanks to our neighbor Steve for getting the job done for us!


Fr. Matthew said...


Paige said...

The "process" of work is always much more fascinating when someone else is doing it! I bet it was nice to have it done so quickly. I'm sure your neighbors agree.