Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Church is canceled"

I woke up this morning to a little bit of the white stuff. Wasn't surprised because they have been talking on the news about the impending snow for 2 days. It wasn't snowing very much..I could still see green grass... so I proceed to get ready for church. Just as I am getting ready to get my dress on the phone rings. It was my visting teaching partner calling to tell me that church has been canceled. Really??? It made me laugh. Portlander's don't deal with snow very well. Everything shuts down at the first sign of a flake. Anyway, I made a phone call to my visiting teachee and we both had a good laugh about it. Then the home teacher called. While I was on the phone with him I took another look out the window. This is what I saw....
A Blizzard!!! It is suppose to snow off & on all day with high winds from the Gorge. Needless to say, the grass is now covered. But still not a "ton" of snow. Still makes me laugh.
Milo is very interested in the snow but everytime there was a wind gust he would come racing back into the was funny.


Paty said...

I just happened on your blog, saw the word "Portland" and had to stop for a quick glance. I will return. I'm LDS too and would like to know where you got the click-on image of the temple spires with the "I believe"? I'd like to put one on my blog too. If you go to my blog, be sure to look at the blog of my friend that I follow. She has many photos of her trip to Jordan and Oman this Oct. "Following Lehi's Trail". You may find it inspiring as I did.

Kelly said...

My mother in law was lucky too, her church was cancelled too! I still had to go though! Happy Holidays!